Yahata SDGs Declaration
The Yahata Group, guided by its philosophy of “Serving society,” “Maintaining integrity in work,” and “Pursuing harmony,”
is committed to addressing social challenges and enhancing corporate value in collaboration with stakeholders,
employees, and society to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDGs Policies and Goals
To achieve the goals by 2030, the company is addressing key issues
and undertaking initiatives related to 9 of the 17 SDGs.
Promoting Health for Employees and the Company
【Main Initiatives】
- Achieving a 100% health check-up participation rate
- Ensuring time for stretching and exercise during morning and lunch breaks
- Implementing measures against passive smoking (reviewing and monitoring smoking areas at all locations)
- Participating in the Japan Health Insurance Association “KENKO Declaration”
- Disseminating health information via internal newsletters
- Providing consultations with occupational health physicians for employees

Our company has been certified as a “KENKO Investment for Health 2024 / Small and Medium Business sector” by the NIPPON KENKO KAIGI.
We strategically implement initiatives that promote and maintain employee health, considering health management from a business perspective.
Contributing to Environmental and Social Issues
【Main Initiatives】
- Replacing lightings to LED at headquarters and offices
- Recycling unneeded uniforms
- Utilizing Demand management system
- Promoting reusable plastic cases with thicker bases
- Managing lights and room temperatures
- Advocating for the use of personal chopsticks and bottles
- Supporting the SDGs lease “MIRAI 2023” initiative

● Switching Lighting at Headquarters and Offices to LED
From February to March 2024, we replaced all lighting with LED lights at five locations: Sapporo Office (Sapporo City, Hokkaido), Yokohama Branch (Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture), Niigata Office (Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture), Komatsu Office (Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture), and Kurume Office (Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

● Recycling Employee Uniforms
We collect work uniforms, which would otherwise become industrial waste, as resources for reuse and recycling, aiming to contribute to a circular society. By carefully selecting uniforms, we also enhance employee motivation.
SDGs-Aligned Procurement and Sales
【Main Initiatives】
- Digitalizing various business forms
- Improving operational efficiency through handheld terminals
- Using and selling 100% recycled plastic bags
- Selling 100% recycled resin materials
- Extending activities to the YAHATA-KAI(Cooperation Group)

● Expanding Activities with the YAHATA-KAI (Cooperation Group)
In 2024, marking the 11th year of our cooperation group “YAHATA-KAI”, we held an exhibition and sales event featuring paintings, ceramics, and postcards provided by the “AZEKURA Welfare Association”.
AZEKURA Welfare Association Website:http://azekura.net/
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
SDGs is an abbreviation for “Sustainable Development Goals,” which were adopted by the United Nations in September 2015. These goals are a comprehensive framework aimed at “achieving a sustainable world” under the philosophy of “leaving no one behind.” The SDGs consist of 17 goals, 169 targets, and guidelines for evaluating progress, with a target deadline of 2030.